Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Bathroom Law?

Indiana has joined several other states trying to enact a bathroom law.

The law states that, “people must use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.”

How in the world could that be enforced, are they going to post a guard, must everyone carry their birth certificate, is someone going to check their genitals?

I read about a young man, born a girl, who had cards printed explaining why he was in the ladies restroom, if he should encounter a woman who would naturally wonder why he was not in the men’s room. I am sure that did not completely solve his problem, but maybe it helped.

What about a transgender woman, born a boy, is she supposed to go into the men’s room? How long before some good old boys decide to straighten her out. Think about the violence this law could inspire. How long will it be before some woman, who looks somewhat masculine, and there are some, is attacked as she leaves the restroom.

Of course, this hoopla all started because of discrimination against transgender people. It may be hard, for some people, to understand, but, if a person is born one gender and feels they should be the opposite gender who are we to say that they shouldn’t? So did the writers of this bill think they can put a stop to transgender behavior if they pass a law making it difficult to use a public bathroom? I am sure it doesn’t work that way!  It is a mean spirited way for so called, self proclaimed “Christians” to protest something that they don’t want to accept. If you can’t accept, ignore it!

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