It seems this political season has lasted much longer than necessary. One problem is the way the primaries are held, and who can really understand the caucus. This country should simplify the process, have a day to vote in the primary, all states vote the same day, and then we know who the candidates are. In stead of this long, drawn out circus.
If I hear one more person say, and I have heard reporters say it, that Donald Trump has spent less money, and how does he do it? Stupid people, Trump gets media coverage all day, every day. He says something outrageous, or totally stupid, and then we talk about him constantly. Sorry to use the word, "stupid," so often, it seems the situation calls for it. It would be great if we all took one or two days, and no one talk about Donald Trump. It would be interesting, and maybe drive him mad, he seems to thrive on attention.