Sunday, October 4, 2020

Covid -19 and Trump

 Supposedly, Trump has tested positive for the Corona virus, I say supposedly because the White House has been so secretive about details. Trump tweeted that he, and Melania, had tested positive, then the white house announced that he was being admitted to Walter Reed medical center. When we finally heard from the doctors treating him, they were vague about details. 

So, I have thought racing through my mind, does he really have the virus, maybe he just says he does so he can quickly recover, and as a result say, "see, I was right the virus is not a big deal." 

Maybe he has it and has the doctors and the white house downplaying his condition so he can appear stronger than he is. After all, he is the "smartest, strongest, most superior human that ever lived." 

Not his exact words but you get my drift, I paraphrase.

If he actually has the Corona virus, and is really doing well, then I wonder why over 200,000 of his fellow Americans died, and many more left with lingering health issues. Could it be that he has the best medical care with a team of doctors, and experimental medication?

If that is the case then every citizen of this country should have medical care where there is no waiting to see the doctor, where medication is available, and where they don't have to wait until they are on death's door to get admitted to the hospital, and they don't have to go bankrupt to afford care and medication.

Just maybe if that care was available 200,000 plus American citizen wouldn't have had to die.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Blogging: How I blog for fun and profit... but mostly fun. For new and old bloggers.

Hello to everyone from The Garden Spot in Bowling Green, Kentucky. 

My name is "Betsyanne" online, (call me Betsy), and I love to blog.

Kentucky's State Bird, the Cardinal.

I'm honored to Guest Post here today. Thank you, Aunt Joyce!

At first, I was not sure what to write about today. But thought it could have to do with blogging

This morning I had an emergency posting! GSUSA had opened up a surprise special event from another Council (Area), so I went to my Unofficial Girl Scout Blog and posted about it.

I rushed it and then came back here.

Definitely NOT me! hahahahaha

How I blog for fun and (just a teensy bit of...) profit. 

I started to blog because it was fun. And I loved having an audience, too!

As far as profit goes, money does trickle in a little bit sometimes. But not often. But that can change later. You never know. A tip: you do pay taxes on your earnings, so keep track.

Some more about What I have Learned about Blogging: ads, etc.

There is a LOT to learn about blogging! I am still learning.

If you just want to have fun, and share info. and stories, ads on your blog can be OK, as long as the ads don't get in the way of your stories.

I may switch to another platform (maybe Wordpress?) down the road, because I love fun plug-ins, like maps, signup forms, etc. and it's fun to experiment. But I will try to keep these Blogger blogs, too.

Making Time

Like most things, I know that I have to MAKE time for things that I want to do. Blogging is one of these things I hope to make even more time for in the future. So I make a plan, and a list, and use my calendar - a lot.

Some say people should write in blogs every day.

I do think at least once a week is a good goal (or blog more if you can).

Have fun!

OK - here comes some advice.

Is blogging fun for you? Is it something you would like to try? I say, make an account here on Blogger, and go ahead and make a posting. It is free here on Blogger to try it. Then keep on doing it.

If you already have a blog, comment after this posting, and let me know about it so that I can go there and comment. :-)

Besides being a fun hobby, blogging can be a great brain exercise! So even doing it just for that is worth it.

If you are like me, you will want to edit your blog postings - a lot.

This was fun today! So thanks for joining me here!


Here are three of my favorite blogs and pages:

The Moon and the Willow Tree: (News for June is my latest there):

The Nontraditional Student Blog:( the latest posting here is Tips for Nontrads during the Covid-19 crisis...)

And then (ta-da!) my favorite website is about ME (go figure!)
It is here:

THE END - - Thanks again! -Betsyanne

Monday, November 5, 2018

Election Day

Tomorrow is election day, it will be so nice to have all the campaigning over, and for those of us who are not campaigning, but supporting people who are running in hopes that we will get someone in who can bring about much needed change. I voted absentee, so no running to the polls for me, though I admit I like the feeling of going out on election day to cast my ballot. I hope there will be enough new blood in Congress to counter some of the craziness taking place in our country.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mass Shootings

It has been nearly nineteen years since the Columbine Massacre. That is what it was called, a massacre, it was so horrible, so shocking, that someone could go into a school and start shooting, and fifteen were dead. We were shocked! It was so unthinkable, it was hard to absorb that something so unthinkable could happen.

Well, nearly nineteen years later, and many shootings have taken place. The latest today, at a school in Florida. It is still horrible, and disturbing, and sad, but it is no longer unthinkable, we are no longer shocked. The fact that shootings are so commonplace that we are no longer shocked is a tragedy in itself.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Love, Marriage, and Divorce

When couples get married they expect to live happily together for the rest of their lives, when we get old, you take care of me, and I will take care of you.

Sadly, it doesn't always work out as expected, and may be harder to understand when the couple is older. When you are together for 35 years it is natural to assume it will last forever.

Late marriages involves blended families, with children, and grand children that you learn to love as your own.

If the situation can't be reconciled, then splitting up and learning to be happy apart, and happy for each other may be the answer.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Spending Our Money

A post on Facebook got my dander up this morning, which is not unusual. A woman, a friend of a friend, no acquaintance of mine, was complaining about kids getting free school lunch. As if it was coming out of her pocket, oh, yes it is, after all She pays taxes and she doesn't want her taxes going to feed a child of parents too lazy to get off their ass and take care of their kids. After all, if they can't take care of their kids, they shouldn't have had kids. Everyone thinks they know someone who sits around all day, living off the government, while they, themselves, have to go to work.

Seriously! Undoubtedly here are some people who could do better, who are lazy and don't try as hard as they should. Then there are those who just can't get their shit together, and it is a shame they had kids when they couldn't take care of them properly. But that is they way it is, and people need to mind their own business and get on with their life.

We pay taxes, and we elect people to run the government, and they hire people to work for us, to take care of things we need. Sometimes that need is feeding people who are hungry and can't seem to fend for themselves. As I see it, that should be the least of our worries. Good God people, bitching about feeding a hungry child, what could get any lower?

We all take from the government, from time to time,and that is they way it should be, we pay taxes and government provides services. Our tax money is good for something, other than paying Congress to work half the time.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Keys to Happiness

My title to this post is slightly misleading, however, that is what popped into my head.

 I think one of the roadblocks to happiness, or contentment, is the inability, or unwillingness, to accept something that you cannot change. I spend a great deal of time butting my head against a brick wall, metaphorically speaking, refusing to accept what is, as it is, instead I tell myself it should be different.

Why is another kink in the chain, why does he do this, why is this happening, why, why, why? More often than not, there is no way to know why someone behaves the way they do, or why something happens.

The only thing we can control or understand, without the cooperation of others involved, is ourselves, and our own actions. God give me the serenity.................